Boys - Please go through this checklist to ensure that you are ready for Belmont Rugby 2024:
1) Follow the Link Below to Sign Up via Google Forms for Boys Rugby:
2) Sign Up for the Text Messaging Service (
Open a blank Text Message - in the "To" Section put the phone number "81010"
In the Message Portion - put the text "@brfcboys"
If it asks you for your name - please reply with your Full First and Last Names
3) BHS Athletics Department sent an email to you and your parent/guardian's primary email address - it contains MANDATORY school forms that must be completed before the start of the school year. NOW is a great time to schedule a sports-physical with your doctor or at a local healthcare clinic as
Current physical on file with the nurses office before the start of the season.
Athletic Dept. Forms - Concussion History Form is needed for every season.
Athletic Fee - Submitted to the Athletic Dept.
Please go through the email from the school with your parent/guardian ASAP
